Sat. Feb 8th, 2025


Christian faithful have been urged to live by the word of God they hear and not just hearing the word only.

Preaching at the Anglican Diocese of Umuahia 30th Anniversary Celebration for Bende Archdeaconry at Christ Church, Bende, Abia State, the Administrator, Rev’d. Canon Engr. Nelson Amaihe who started his sermon by drawing historical note of the creation of Anglican Diocese of Umuahia in 1994, thanked God for the relative peace and the significant progress the Diocese has recorded in the record of time, from the pioneer Bishop, Rt. Rev’d. Ugochukwu Uwaoma Ezuoke, to Most Rev’d. Dr. Ikechi Nwachukwu Nwosu and to the current Bishop, Rt. Rev’d. Dr. Geoffrey Obijuru Ibeabuchi.

The Archdeaconry Administrator, Rev’d. Canon Engr. Nelson Amaihe who took his text from the gospel according to St. Luke 8:19-21, with the topic “WHO ARE YOU TO JESUS?” opined that Jesus used the incident in the gospel to make a vital point.

He stated that those in union with Jesus are those who hear His word and live by it.

He said that Jesus never rejected his own family but pointed that our role in God’s kingdom work should be more important than our roles within our homes.

He enjoined the congregants not to neglect their  responsibilities as parents and people but to maintain their identity as children of God above all earthly responsibilities.

Canon Amaihe further buttressed that those who belong to God’s family are not just Christians by name or parade about with tiles but those who hear and do the bidding of God’s word.

 He said “We are to grow beyond hearing alone to living by what we hear. Our Diocesan, Archdeaconry, Parish and Station activities and programmes are not complete if we fail to apply it in our daily living.

“As a Diocese at 30 we must be committed to raising and supporting our mission outposts, we must live to maintain our relation with God,

We must not do anything that will break the circle of our relationship with God.

We must accept responsibilities as God’s family as we accept responsibilities at home.

“We are to be faithful to our identity as a Diocese by not compromising our mission mandate no matter what may come our way”.

One of the highlights of the celebration was quiz competition on the gospel according to St. Luke and Anglican Diocese of Umuahia current affairs 1994 till date.

Miss Excellent Mesiba took the first position while Mrs. Josephine Nwosu took the second position.


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