Sat. Feb 8th, 2025


As the world celebrates National Do Something Nice Day and National Above the Bus Day, respectively, a social innovator and community advocate, Mrs. Adanma Odefa, has encouraged Nigerians to move away from that  which breeds division and also ignore human generated labels and definitions for the good of the nation.

Interacting with our correspondent through WhatsApp chat, Mrs Odefa also enjoined the citizens to “focus on that which can never separate us – our shared humanity”.

Odefa, who disclosed that she is a product of the effort of very many kind folks, most of whom she had nothing in common with in terms of gender, race, tribe, religion, expressed her determination to single out 5 people and make a kind gesture. 

Her words, “It is interesting that there is an actual day set aside for humans to do good to other humans and to also express gratitude for good that has been done to them.

“The attitude of gratitude cannot be over emphasized. For far too many people, their gratitude to their helpers only lasts as long as their next breath. I have seen people who have benefited immensely from others forget all about what they have benefited and fixate very viciously on whatever mistake they perceive their benefactors to have made towards them.

“I’ve even heard one extremely ungrateful person profess that they would rather have died than accept the help of their benefactors after enjoying the said help continuously for years and praise singing the helper at the time the help was flowing to them! 

“Incredible! The bitter reality is that too many humans are like this. Should this stop kind hearted folks from being kind to others and helping out as much as they can? Most certainly not!

“To all those who have helped me and done nice things for me, I salute you all. I’ll never stop being grateful or praying for the best to befall you.

“To the ungrateful bunch that I’ve done nice things for who villianise me, I forgive you for you are simply unwise.

“For those I am yet to do something nice for, I am determined to single out 5 people I don’t know and make a kind gesture. Please inbox me if you would like to accept my humble kind gesture.

“I know some readers would be alarmed by this promoting. You’re probably thinking, I’ve got no money to spare!

“Relax. Kindness is not only about money. Call someone. Babysit for someone. Advise someone. Make someone laugh. Pray for someone. Compliment someone. Most times, that is more than enough”.

She observed that National Above the Bus Day, which is also celebrated on October 5 every year, offered one the chance to acknowledge the acts of kindness and service by the people in one’s life, as it is all about giving credit where it is due.


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