Husbands have been enjoined to do something special to appreciate their wives in spite of their struggles, as the world celebrates the year 2024 Wife Appreciation Day.
Celebrated annually on September 15, Wife Appreciation Day is a special occasion for celebrating wives, the integral part of a man’s life.
Interacting with our correspondent through WhatsApp chat, a social innovator and community advocate, Mrs. Adanma Odefa, warned that itamounts to deep ingratitude and an entitlement mentality when some men resent the efforts of their wives and lash out for their own economic torment.
According to her, we know the toll poverty can take on a man and it can even cause serious mental health issues, but despite our economic challenges in our country today, it should not prevent good men from appreciating their wives.
Her words, “Wife Appreciation Day is quite an interesting conception. Although personally, I think everyday should actually be a wife appreciation day.
“Honestly, the economy is torturous for a lot men. It is mentally grueling and can make a man mentally unstable, hence the rising rate of suicide and heart attacks amongst men.
“I know you will be wondering what about women? I believe most women handle their stress better than their male counterparts.
“For the wives out there who are keeping a cheerful face and carrying on despite impossible situations, I say big kudos to you.
“For the men out there who are so wrapped up in trying to survive that they find no inspiration to appreciate their wives, I advise you take a step back, find a good, strong support system and build your strength”.
Odefa, who tasked husbands to reach out immediately and appreciate that super wife in their lives, advised that even if they can’t afford to take their wives out, that they should make meaningful gestures to appreciate them.
“For everyone else, it’s not only your wives that you need to appreciate. Even if you don’t or cannot have a wife, appreciate a wife in your space that you love.

“But please before you decide to appreciate someone else’s wife that you’ve been admiring, appreciate yours first. And whilst appreciating the wife of another if you must, in the interest of your safety, please do it with decency or perhaps, don’t do it at all”, Odefa further advised.
Furthermore, she decried that most people never really appreciate extraordinary personalities in our lives or tell them how much they appreciate them “until we lose them”.
According to the records available, the historical research on Wife Appreciation Day is scant indeed, but 2006 is accepted as the first year the holiday officially “went on the books.” That is, it isn’t yet recognized as a U.S. government holiday, but rather, in 2006 it became widely acknowledged and celebrated by couples country and worldwide.
Wife Appreciation Day is a perfect opportunity to acknowledge the important and incredible role of wives in our lives and express gratitude in meaningful ways.