Sat. Sep 7th, 2024


The Vicar of Christ Church, Bende and Administrator of Bende Archdeaconry, Anglican Diocese of Umuahia in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State, Rev’d. Canon Engr. Nelson Amaihe, has said that Pastor’s Spouses deserve a level of appreciation and honour as they assist to fulfill a unique call and also carries a special burden.

Amaihe interacted with our correspondent through WhatsApp chat as the world observes September 1, National Pastor’s Spouses Day.

The first Sunday in September celebrates National Pastor’s Spouses Day to honour the spouses who commit to supporting the pastor they married.

The Anglican priest moreover pointed out that while spouses continued to assist Pastors, they must not forget to remain the home builders as not to be distracted in building a Godly home.

Amaihe said, “The Pastoral call is a very tedious one, while we continue to commend their spouse on their passionate assistance in changing the narrative of the ministry, there is need for fully annual vacation or sabbatical leave of Pastors to enable them get refreshed, ease off the huge stress embodied with the herculean Ministerial task for effective and sound delivery of their assignments.

“As the world continues to revolve, the need for training and retraining of Pastors for more quality and impactful ministry that beats educational challenge is highly recommended”.

Amaihe joined in the belief that the spouse of a pastor supports, encourages, and helps the pastor serve the congregation and community, and without spousal assistance, a pastor would struggle while navigating through the daily responsibilities required of them; and the relationship between a pastor and their spouse is a working union, supporting each other through ministry, friendship, and creating a spiritual atmosphere for themselves and the congregation.

In 2022, Better Way Apostolic Church put in a request to have National Pastor’s Spouses Day added to the calendar. After consideration, the committee decided to approve the day, vowing to celebrate the new National Day the first Sunday in September each year.

According to records available, Pastors are leaders of a church known for delivering sermons to church members. However, there is more to being a pastor than speaking to the congregation on weekly basis. They also have other duties that require assistance in daily planning. That assistance comes in the form of the pastor’s spouse.


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